Edificios colectivos – Habitar

Special issue. Construir habitar pensar [Building dwelling thinking].
Article by Manfredo Tafuri, and others -Journal
Arquitectura (Madrid), vol. 70, no. 278/279, 1989 May/Aug., p. 16-199.

Otras formas de habitar colectivo [Different forms of collective
housing]. Article by Juan Ignacio Baixas F, and others
CA, no. 84, 1996 Apr./June, p. 31-77.

New Miami living: apartments mimic boutique hotels. Article by Jennifer LeClaire
Architectural record, vol. 192, no. 9, 2004 Sept., p. 32.

Une vie a habiter [A life for living]. Article by Catherine Blain
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 141, 2004 Mar., p. 38-39.

Les Tours EDF d’Ivry (1963-1967): un prototype d’habitat urbain [Housing blocks, Ivry (1963-1967): a prototype of urban living]; Article by Catherine Blain
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 138, 2003 Nov., p. 80-85.

Possibilities of collective living: Borneo/Sporenburg projects, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Article by Ton Schaap and others
A&U, no. 5 (380), 2002 May, p. 19-84.

Special issue. Wohnugsbau [Housing]. Article by Gert Kahler and others
Detail, vol. 42, no. 3 Konzept, 2002 Mar., p. 172-278.

Les valeurs de l’habitat des francais [The living values of the
French]. Article by Monique Eleb
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 117, 2001 June/July, p. 110-113.

Special issue. Einfaches Bauen [Simple forms of building]. Article by Elmar Dittmann and others
Detail, vol. 41, no. 3, 2001 Apr./May, p. 366-384, 394-397, 402-449.

Apartment planning. Article by Sushil Aggarwal and others
Architecture & design, vol. 16, no. 6, 1999 Nov./Dec., p. 44-98.


ROCA, Miguel Angel
Habitar, construir, pensar : tipología, tecnología, ideología. — Buenos Aires : EUDEBA, 1987. — 155 p. : 30 cm. — (Diseño)
Ubic: 720.1 R669ha

Cambiando el arte de habitar : piezas de Mies, sueños de los Eames, los Smithsons. — Barcelona : Gili, 2001. — 156 p. : 21 cm.
Ubic: 720.1 S642c E

BROTO, Carles
Multiunit housing. — Barcelona : Monsa, 1997. — 239 p. : 33 cm. — (Architectural design)
Texto en inglés y español.
ISBN 84-86426-55-3
Ubic: 728.31 B874m

Elementos de teoría de la arquitectura : introducción al curso y rudimentos de partidos. — 2a. ed. aumentada. — Córdoba : Assandri, 1946. — 1h.,217 p. : 26 cm.
Ubic: 720 M938eL

RISPA, Raúl, ed.
Iberoamérica, arquitectura 04 : Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura, 4a., Lima 2004. — Madrid : Ministerio de Vivienda : Tanais, 2004. — 335 p. : 24 cm. — (Biblioteca Iberoamericana de Arquitectura)
ISBN 84-496-0117-7
Ubic: 720.980 R595i

Publicado por | 25 de mayo de 2012 - 09:16 | Actualizado: 25 de mayo de 2012 - 09:16 | PDF

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