Gonzalez de León, Teodoro

Special issue. Building Berlin 2002. By: Mary Pepchinski and others
A&U, no. 9 (384), 2002 Sept., p. 96-103

Diplomatica y urbana: la arquitectura de las embajadas en Berlin [Diplomatic and urbane: the architecture of embassies in Berlin]. By: Maria Ocon
Arquitectura viva, no. 78, 2001 May/June, p. 78-95.

Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon, honoris causa [Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon receives an honorary degree]. By: Felipe Leal
Arquine, no. 18, 2001 Winter, p. 16.

Casas brasileiras [Brazilian houses].
Projeto design, no. 249, 2000 Nov., p. 50-83.

Embajada de Mexico en Berlin [Mexican Embassy in Berlin]; Architects: Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon and J Francisco Serrano Cacho. By: the architects
Arquine, no. 14, 2000 Winter, p. 26-35.

Groundbreaking takes place for ambitious JVC Center in Guadalajara. By: Clifford Pearson
Architectural record, vol. 189, no. 3, 2001 Mar., p. 27.

Special issue. Bauen mit Beton [Concrete construction]. By: Jorg Schlaich and others
Detail, vol. 41, no. 1, 2001 Jan., p. 43

Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon. By: Jose Maria Larios, and others
Arquine, no. 2, 1997 Winter, p. 16-19.

Concursos: La embajada de Mexico en Berlin [Competitions: the
Mexican Embassy in Berlin]; Winning architects: Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon and Francisco Serrano. By: Miquel Adria
Arquine, no. 2, 1997 Winter, p. 10-12.

Dramatic arches on the rise in barren outskirts of Mexico City; Architects Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon and others. By: Miquel Adria
Architectural record, vol. 186, no. 5, 1998 May, p. 80.

Messico come citta [The city of Mexico]. By: Richard Ingersoll, and others
Lotus, no. 91, 1996 Nov., p. 73

Mexico. Entre la herencia y la vanguardia: un crisol en crisis [Mexico. Between heritage and avant-garde: a crucible in crisis]. By: Adela Garcia-Herrera, and others
Arquitectura viva, no. 40, 1995 Jan./Feb., p. 17-59.

Publicado por | 25 de mayo de 2012 - 11:47 | Actualizado: 25 de mayo de 2012 - 11:47 | PDF

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