Koolhaas, Rem – Biblioteca de Seattle

After an intense competition, Koolhaas nabs Seattle library. Article by Sheri Olson
Architectural record, vol. 187, no. 7, 1999 July, p. 60.

How Seattle learned to stop worrying and love Rem Koolhaas’ plans for a new Central Library.
Article by Sheri Olson
Architectural record, vol. 188, no. 8, 2000 Aug., p. 120-125.

OMA, Rem Koolhaas: trois projets recents [Office of Metropolitan Architecture, Rem Koolhaas: three recent projects]. Article by Dominique Boudet
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 109, 2000 Sept., p. 68-91.

Rem Koolhaas a Seattle [Rem Koolhaas in Seattle]. Article by Francesco Dal Co and Michele Reboli
Casabella, vol. 68, no. 724, 2004 July/Aug., p. 6-23

Publicado por | 13 de junio de 2012 - 09:18 | Actualizado: 13 de junio de 2012 - 09:18 | PDF

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