Koolhaas, Rem – Educatorium, Utrech, Holanda

Special issue. OMA@work.a&u. By: Rem Koolhaas and others
A&U, no. 5 supplement, 2000 May, p. 6-277.

Special issue. The Netherlands. By Connie van Cleef and others
Architectural review, vol. 205, no. 1225, 1999 Mar., p. 30-73.

Case & architetture – diverse per scala, uguali per qualita[Homes & buildings – different in scale, similar in quality]. By Marco Romanelli and others
Abitare, no. 379, 1998 Dec., p. 75-114.

Lieux d’enseignement [Teaching establishments]. By Hans van Dijk, and others
Architecture interieure cree, no. 282, 1998, p. 58-111.-

Special issue. Rotterdam architects. By Peter Buchanan and others
A&U, no. 9 (336), 1998 Sept., p. 3-151.

Special issue. Europa, Europa [Europe, Europe]. By Anatxu Zabalbeascoa and others
Arquitectura viva, no. 57, 1997 Nov./Dec., p. 15-69.

Special issue. Mundos [I]. Hacia el final del siglo XX [Worlds [I]. Towards the end of the 20th century]. By William J R Curtis and Alejandro Zaera
Croquis, no. 1 (88/89), 1998, p. 4-325.

Special issue. Mundos [I]. Hacia el final del siglo XX [Worlds [I]. Towards the end of the 20th century]. By William J R Curtis and Alejandro Zaera
Croquis, no. 1 (88/89), 1998, p. 4-325.

Special issue. 2028. By Domenico De Masi and others
Domus, no. 800, 1998 Jan., p. 8-100.

Special issue. UIA Barcelona 96. Forum internacional: debates centrales. 2: Contenedores, terrain vague [UIA Barcelona 96. International forum: main debates. 2: Restraints, uncertain sites]. By Manuel de Sola-Morales, and others
Quaderns, no. 214, 1996, p. 6-174.

Special issue. OMA / Rem Koolhaas 1992-1996. By Alejandro Zaera, and others
Croquis, vol. 15, no. 3 (79), 1996, p. 4-251.

Publicado por | 13 de junio de 2012 - 09:25 | Actualizado: 13 de junio de 2012 - 09:25 | PDF

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