Kuma, Kengo

Special issue. Tokyo’s new breed. Article by Riichi Miyake, and others
Japan architect, vol. 63, no. 11/12 (379/380), 1988 Nov./Dec., p. 7-96.

A Small Bathhouse in Izu; Architects: Kengo Kuma & Satoko Shinohara. Article by Kengo Kuma
Japan architect, vol. 64, no. 6 (386), 1989 June, p. 37-41.

Postmodern age 1989.
Japan architect, vol. 65, no. 8 (400) supplement, 1990 Aug., p. 281-316.

AD Profile 117. Tensile structures. Article by Maggie Toy, and others
Architectural design, vol. 65, no. 9/10, 1995 Sept./Oct., p. 6-96.

Giardini di paesaggio [Landscape gardens]. Article by Richard Ingersoll, and others
Lotus, no. 97, 1998 June, p. 23-104.

Passerelle et pavillon en verre. Maison Eau-Verre, Atami, Japon [Raised walkway & pavilion in glass. The Water-Glass house, Atami, Japan];
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 319, 1998 Nov., p. 100-101.

Details et projets [Details and projects]. Article by Marc Emery, and others
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 1999 May, p. 25-97.

Project 1999. Article by Tadao Ando and others
GA houses, no. 59, 1999 Feb., p. 10-173.

Special issue. Identita giapponese [Japanese identity]. Article by Manfred Speidel and others
Casabella, vol. 64, no. 676, 2000 Mar., p. 4-81, 88-95.

Special subject. Kengo Kuma. Article by Hiroyuki Suzuki, and others
Japan architect, no. 38, 2000 Summer, p. 4-128.

Special issue. Las escalas de la sostenibilidad [Scales of sustainability]. Article by Perejaume and others
Quaderns, no. 225, 2000 Mar., p. 6-181.

Bato Machi Hiroshige Museum, Tochigi, Japan; Architects: Kengo Kuma & Associates. Article by Kengo Kuma
GA document, no. 64, 2001 Jan., p. 74-83.

Kengo Kuma. Article by Andrea Maffei
Casabella, vol. 65, no. 689, 2001 May, p. 52-63.

Special issue. Project 2001. Article by Jun Aoki and others
GA houses, no. 66, 2001 Mar., p. 10-165.

Special issue. Japan. Article by Catherine Slessor and others
Architectural review, vol. 210, no. 1256, 2001 Oct., p. 42-83.

Special issue. Fassaden [Facades]. Article by Jan Schabert and others
Detail, vol. 41, no. 7, 2001 Oct./Nov., p. 1221-1305.

Le bois recompense [Wood rewarded].
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 128, 2002 Oct., p. 30.

Archi culte en Chine Pop’ [Design cult in the new China]. Article by Valerie Portefaix and Laurent Gutierrez
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 344, 2003 Jan./Feb., p. 20-23.

Poeticas del filtro: la tradicion japonesa en la obra de Kengo Kuma [Poetic screens: Japanese tradition in the work of Kengo Kuma]. Article by Kenichi Ueki
Arquitectura viva, no. 82, 2002 Jan./Feb., p. 94-107.

Great ‘bamboo’ wall; Architects: Kengo Kuma. Article by Jeremy Melvin
Architectural design, vol. 73, no. 5, 2003 Sept./Oct., p. 100-104.

Parcheggio, Takasaki, prefettura di Gunma, Giappone 2001 [Multi-storey carpark, Takasaki, Gumma prefecture, Japan 2001]; Architects: Kengo Kuma & Associates and Research Institute of
Architecture. Article by Kengo Kuma
Casabella, vol. 67, no. 713, 2003 July/Aug., p. 36-41.

Publicado por | 13 de junio de 2012 - 09:28 | Actualizado: 13 de junio de 2012 - 09:29 | PDF

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