Moscu, arquitectura actual

AD Profile: 68. Uses of tradition in Russian & Soviet architecture. Article by Catherine Cooke, and others
Architectural design, vol. 57, no. 7/8, 1987, p. 1-80.

Special issue. Les annees Corbu [The Corb years]. Article by Jean-Michel Hoyet, and others
Techniques & architecture, no. 373, 1987 Aug./Sept., p. 47-124.

Rates of exchange. Article by Mark Swenarton, and Jonathan Charley
Building design, no. 906, 1988 Oct. 14, p. 20-23.

Moscow retro. Article by David Jenkins
Architectural review, vol. 185, no. 1103, 1989 Jan., p. 4.

Itinerario Domus: 46 [Domus itinerary: 46]. Zholtovskij e Mosca [Zholtovskii and Moscow].
Article by Marie Savage
Domus, no. 705, 1989 May, p. XI-XVI.

In the spiders web, etc..
Building design, no. 942, 1989 June 23, p. 26-32.

Per il restauro della casa di Melnikov [For the restoration of Melnikov’s house]; Architects: Konstantin Stepanovich Mel’nikov
Domus, no. 711, 1989 Dec., p. 20.

Moscow … on a role for architecture after perestroika. Article by Jonathan Charley
Architecture today, no. 9, 1990 June, p. 13, 16.

Aree attrezzate per il turismo lungo l”Anello d’oro della Russia’ [Service equipped rest areas for tourists along the ‘Golden Ring of Russia’ tourist route to the north of Moscow].
Casabella, vol. 54, no. 569, 1990 June, p. 12-18, 59-60.

La casa commune d’Europa a Mosca [The Eurodom project]; Architects: Franco Audrito, Cesare Casati, and Mario Steffenino. Article by Philippe Vernier
Arca, no. 48, 1991 Apr., p. 66-71.

Towering apathy from the KGB. Article by Robert Cowan
Architects’ journal, vol. 194, no. 2, 1991 July 10, p. 15.

Il piano generale di Mosca e la ricostruzione della citta negli anni trenta [The master plan for Moscow and the reconstruction of the city in the 1930s]. Article by Alessandro De Magistris
Casabella, vol. 55, no. 580, 1991 June, p. 48-58, 62-63.

Architettura a scala urbana [Architecture on an urban scale]. Article by Maurizio Vitta
Arca, no. 49, 1991 May, p. 22-35.

S.I.A.: una nuova formula [The S.I.A. paves the way]. Article by Cesare Stevan, and others
Arca, no. 56, 1992 Jan., p. 1-35, 74-85.

Exporting skills to Moscow. article by Kate Wardley
Architects’ journal, vol. 196, no. 9, 1992 Sept. 2, p. 11.

Melnikov house, roofless, awaits attention; Original architect: Konstantin Stepanovich Mel’nikov, architect for restoration Wolfgang Doring. Article by Richard Becherer, and Charlene Castellano
Progressive architecture, vol. 73, no. 9, 1992 Sept., p. 26-27.

Four projects in Moscow of Mikhail Belov.
A&U, no. 5 (272), 1993 May, p. 40-53.

Yeltsin plans to renovate Kremlin landmark. Article by Michael Z Wise
Progressive architecture, vol. 74, no. 10, 1993 Oct., p. 25.

Seven works; Architects: John Portman Article by the architect
A&U, no. 11 (278), 1993 Nov., p. 36-59.

Hans Schmidt: 1893-1972: architecte a Bale, Moscou, Berlin Est [Hans Schmidt: architect in Basel, Moscow and East Berlin].
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 49, 1994 Mar., p. 9.

Itinerario Domus: 101 [Domus itinerary: 101]. Sechtel’ e Mosca [Shekhtel’ and Moscow].
Article by Donata Maccelli, and Mariya Nashchokina
Domus, no. 760, 1994 May, p. 91-96.

A modern icon; Winners: Alexei Mescheryakov, and Oleg Tolkatchev
Landscape design, no. 231, 1994 June, p. 10-11.

Melnikov. Article by Bruce Chatwin, and Jean-Louis Cohen
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 293, 1994 June, p. 102-121.

Estio en el Este. Europa Oriental, ano cero: la ultima arquitectura, de Berlin a Moscu [Summer in the East. Eastern Europe, year zero: the latest architecture, from Berlin to Moscow].
Arquitectura viva, no. 13, 1990 July/Aug., p. 5-23.

Moscou, chacun chez soi [Moscow, each to their own space]. Article by Ekaterina Azarova-Tenot
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 304, 1996 Apr., p. 6-14.

Stalin’s skyscraper; Architects: Mikhail Vasil’evich Posokhin, and Asot Mndoyants.
Article by Ronan Thomas
Architectural design, vol. 66, no. 1/2, 1996 Jan./Feb., p. viii-xi.

Biblioteca Lenin, Mosca [Lenin Library, Moscow]. Article by Paolo Costantini
Casabella, vol. 61, no. 648, 1997 Sept., p. 82-83.

Special issue. Eastern Europe. Article by Derek Hall and others
Landscape design, no. 259, 1997 Apr., p. 8-41.

Visualisations de projets legendaires [Legendary projects made real]. Article by Takehiko Nagakura
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 324, 1999 Sept./Oct., p. 110-117.

La fotografia del CCA [Photography in the CCA]. Fotografo sconosciuto. Konstantin Mel’nikov (1890-1974) e la moglie davanti alla loro casa, Mosca, 1927 [Photographer unknown. Konstantin Mel’nikov
(1890-1974) and his wife in front of their house while under construction, Moscow, 1927].
Casabella, vol. 63, no. 669, 1999 July/Aug., p. 86-87.

My kind of town. Moscow. Article by Robert Mull
Architecture today, no. 111, 2000 Sept., p. 112.

Kremlin: on restaure [The Kremlin is restored]. Article by Elena Zhuravleva and Sergei Deviatov
Connaissance des arts, no. 575, 2000 Sept., p. 132-137.

Correspondent’s file. Moscow builds with a mix of old and new, Russian and Western influence.
Article by John E Czarnecki
Architectural record, vol. 190, no. 2, 2002 Feb., p. 47-48.

View from Moscow. Article by Catherine Cooke
Architectural review, vol. 213, no. 1274, 2003 Apr., p. 36-37.

Stalin redux.
Architecture (New York), vol. 92, no. 9, 2003

Publicado por | 22 de junio de 2012 - 08:36 | Actualizado: 22 de junio de 2012 - 08:36 | PDF

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