Moscu – Kremlin

West 8 – Adriaan Geuze .
Lotus international, 1998, n.96, p.70-75

The Kremlin’s constructivist cathedral: Ivan Leonidov’s design for the steel industry’s Commissariat.
Article by Miroslav Sik
Lotus, no. 45, 1985, p. 94-101.

Yeltsin plans to renovate Kremlin landmark. Article by Michael Z Wise
Progressive architecture, vol. 74, no. 10, 1993 Oct., p. 25.

Capturing the Kremlin. Article by Charlotte Gere
Country life, vol. 189, no. 3, 1995 Jan. 19, p. 34-37.

Olanda: il territorio ipermoderno / la citta supertradizionale [The Netherlands: the hypermodern territory / the super-traditional city]. Article by Hilde Heynen, and others
Lotus, no. 96, 1998 Mar., p. 32-103.

Kremlin: on restaure [The Kremlin is restored]. Article by Elena Zhuravleva and Sergei Deviatov
Connaissance des arts, no. 575, 2000 Sept., p. 132-137.

l cattedrale costruttivista del Cremlino: il progetto di Ivan Leonidov per il Commissariato dell’industria siderurgica, 1934 = The Kremlin’s Constructivist cathedral: Ivan Leonidov’s design for the steel industry’s Commissariat, 1934 . By: éSik, Miroslav, 1953-.
Lotus international, 1985, no.45, p.94-101.

Publicado por | 22 de junio de 2012 - 08:37 | Actualizado: 22 de junio de 2012 - 08:37 | PDF

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