Nouvel Jean – Nemausus

Nouvel Jean, Nemausus Autour d’une source [Around a spring]. Article by Odile Fillion, and others
Architecture Interieure Cree, no. 209, 1985/1986 Dec./Jan., p. II-XXVII [70-95].

Article by Lionel Duroy
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 252, 1987 Sept., p. 1-49.

Special issue. Habiter: batiments recents en Europe [Housing: recent European
Techniques & architecture, no. 375, 1987/1988 Dec./Jan., p. 62-151.

Espirt Nouvel: three projects, Nimes, France; Architects: Jean Nouvel & Associes. Article by Karen D Stein
Architectural record, vol. 176, no. 7 (6), 1988 June, p. 128-137.

Special issue. Jean Nouvel. Article by Patrice Goulet
A&U ,no. 7 (214), 1988 July, p. 47-134.

Jean Nouvel: dix projects et un retour a Nemausus [Jean Nouvel: ten projects and a return to Nemausus].
Article by Armelle Lavalou, and Jean Rolin
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 260, 1988 Dec., p. 32-62.

Nemausus I; Architects: Jean Nouvel & Associes
GA houses, no. 23, 1988 Aug., p. 50-59.

Wohnbau als Statement [Housing design as a statement].
Baumeister, vol. 86, no. 4, 1989 Apr., p. 44-61.

A chip off the old block. Article by Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Building design, no. 958, 1989 Oct. 20, p. 40-41.

Special issue. Arquitetura francesa no bicentenario da revolucao [French architecture in the bicentenary of the Revolution]. Article by Nildo Carlos Oliveira, and others
Projeto, no. 124, 1989 Aug., p. 57-101.

Special issue. Jean Nouvel 1981-1991. Article by Norman Foster, and others
A&V monografias, no. 31, 1991, p. 2-80.

Travels with my angst. Article by Martin Richardson
Building design, no. 1121, 1993 Apr. 23, p. 15.

Special issue. Jean Nouvel 1987-1994. Article by Alejandro Zaera, and Jean Nouvel
Croquis, vol. 13, no. 2 (65/66), 1994, p. 6-272.

Publicado por | 27 de junio de 2012 - 09:58 | Actualizado: 27 de junio de 2012 - 09:58 | PDF

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