A+U N° 500 500th Issue – Word and Image (2012)

7 a+u Covers

10 On a Selection “Word and Image”
Yusuhiro Terematsu, Erwin J.S Viray, Ken Tadaschi Oshima

17 Paul Rudolph
Essay: “Twentieth Century Brick”

28 Luis I. Kahn
Essay: “The Room, the Street and Human Agreement”

41 Colin Rowe
Essay: “The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa”

53 Bernard Tschumi
Architectural Manifestoes “Three Spaces”

64 Rem Koolhaas
From Delirious New York

82 Jeff Kipnis, Feauture Peter Eisenman
Essay:”A Matter of Respect”

96 Jean Louis Cohen
Essay: “Architecture and Modernity in the Soviet Union 1900-1937 – part 1: The October Revolution and the Continuity of Architectural Culture”

104 Jacques Lacan
Essay: “Architecture: Face to Face with Observations”

116 Peter Zumthor
Essay: “The Body of Architecture Observations”

124 Zaha M. Hadid, Wolf Prix, and Bernard Tschumi

136 Sverre Fehn’s Sketches

142 Barry Bergdoll
Essay: “Schinkel and Mies: Nature’s Perspective”(Excerpts)

152 Toyo Ito
Interview: “In Pursuit of an Invisible Image” Interviwer Kumiko Inui

160 Peter Maekli
Fragment of Lecture “On Ancient Architecture”

Publicado por | 31 de julio de 2012 - 10:24 | Actualizado: 1 de agosto de 2012 - 12:35 | PDF

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