Residencias para la tercera edad

Clotet & Paricio: centro geriátrico, Barcelona = Home for the elderly, Barcelona [Spain] .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2006 Jan.-Apr., n.117-118, p.184-189

Vivir sobre un puente: residencia y centro de día, Villar del Buey, Zamora .
Arquitectura viva, 2005, n.100, p.60-61.

Hogar del Jubilado, Salamanca [Riverside retirement home, Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca]; Architects: Jesus Maria Aparicio Guisado.
Architecti, vol. 15, no. 62, 2003 Apr./June, p. 16-21.

Force of habit; Architects for conversion: Parsons & Fernandez-Casteleiro Architects.
Article by Anna Holtzman
Architecture (New York), vol. 93, no. 5, 2004 May, p. 81-82.

Aging baby boomers want smart houses for their golden years. Article by Barbara Knecht
Architectural record, vol. 192, no. 4, 2004 Apr., p. 167-176.

Centro de mayores Antonia Lancha [Antonia Lancha centre, Carabanchel, Madrid]; Architects: Jose Luis Esteban Penelas.
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 332, 2003, p. 96-101.

La casa del riposo [The rest home]; Architects: Lederer Ragnarsdottir Oei. Article by Arne Barth
Domus, no. 859, 2003 May, p. 78-87.

Special issue. Vieillir [Getting old]. Article by Ariane Wilson, and others
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 341, 2002 July/Aug., p. 42-95, 116-123.

Lar Nossa Senhora da Graca, Tomar [Home for the Aged Nossa Senhora da Graca, Tomar]; Architects: Fernando Sanchez Salvador and Margarida Gracio Nunes.
Architecti, vol. 13, no. 55, 2001 July/Sept., p. 88-99.

The not-so-simple art of the box: two projects by the Hartford Design Group; Architects: Hartford Design Group. Article by Douglas Brenner
Architectural record, vol. 169, no. 10 (8), 1981 Aug, p. 72-79.

Old people’s centre in Konigsdorf; Architects: Herbert-Peter Tabeling.
Baumeister, vol. 79, no. 3, 1982 Mar, p. 256-261.

Centre for the aged, Bochum; Architects: Roman Reiser.
Baumeister, vol. 79, no. 3, 1982 Mar, p. 267-269.

Ecumenicaal old people’s home in Bochum-Grumme; Architects: Roman Reiser.
Detail, no. 3, 1982 May/Jun, p. 272-275.

Youth hostel and welfare centre for the elderly; Architects: Atsushi Ueda &
Japan architect, vol. 58, no. 8 (316), 1983 Aug, p. 51-56.

Kofuen nursing home and day service center; Architects: Yuzuru Tominaga & Form
System Institute. Article by Yuzuru Tominaga
Japan architect, vol. 63, no. 5 (373), 1988 May, p. 59-63.

Frame for reference: Hanson Library and Senior Center, Hanson, Massachusetts;
Architects: Schwartz Silver Architects Article by Clifford Pearson
Architectural record, vol. 181, no. 2, 1993 Feb., p. 78-83.

Japanese scene: 10. CO2 Hitachi-Ohta Welfare Center; Architects:
Kazuhiro Ishii Architect & Associates. Article by Kazutoshi Morita
A&U, no. 1 (376), 2002 Jan., p. 148-149.

Una foresta domestica per anziani giapponesi [An indoor forest
for the elderly in Japan]; Architects: Kazuhiro Ishii. Article by Michael Webb
Domus, no. 841, 2001 Oct., p. 38-39.

Complesso comunitario a Yokohama [Community centre in Yokohama];
Architects: Toyo Ito. Article by the architect
Casabella,vol. 62, no. 657, 1998 June, p. 22-27.

Publicado por | 24 de agosto de 2012 - 09:29 | Actualizado: 24 de agosto de 2012 - 09:29 | PDF

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