Architectural Design N°4 – Scarcity: Architecture in an age of depleting resources (2012)

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the guest editors
Jon Goodbun with Jeremy Till and Deljana Iossifova

8 Introduction
Themes of Scarcity
Jon Goodbun with Jeremy Till and Deljana Iossifova

16 Scarcity and Abundance: Urban Agriculture in Cuba and the US
André Viljoen and Katrin Bohn

22 Cities, Natures and the Political Imaginary
Maria Kaika and Erik Swyngedouw

28 Architecture and Relational Resources: Towards a New Materialist Practice
Jon Goodbun and Karin Jaschke

34 Visualising Ecological Literacy
Jody Boehnert

38 Invisible Agency
Jeremy Till and Tatjana Schneider

44 Systemic Diagramming: An Approach to Decoding Urban Ecologies
Ulysses Sengupta and Deljana Iossifova

52 Flexibility and Ecological Planning: Gregory Bateson on Ubanism
Jon Goodbun

56 Error-Friendliness: How to Deal with the Future Scarcest Resource: The Environmental, Social, Economic Security. That is, How to Design Resilient Socio Technical Systems
Ezio Manzini

62 Can an Urban Community Independently Run Its Own Waste Services?
Clare Brass, Flora Bowden and Kate McGeevor

66 Anthropocene Nights
Benedict Singleton

72 Peak Oil and Transition Towns
Rob Hopkins

78 Everything We Need: Scarcity, Scale, Hyperobjects
Timothy Morton

82 Investing in the Ground: Reflections on Scarcity, Remediation and Obdurate Form
Douglas Spencer

88 Almost All Right: Vienna´s Social Housign Provision
Andreas Rumpfuber, Michael Klein and Georg Kolmayr

94 Icelandic Initiatives
Arna Mathiesen

100 Beyond the Scarcities of Affluence: An ‘Alternative Hedonist’ Approach
Kate Soper

102 New York City (Steady) State
Michael Sorkin

110 No Frills and Bare Life: Cheapness and Democracy
Alejandro Zaera – Polo

114 Austeria: City of Minimun Consumption
Daliana Suryawinata and Winy Maas

118 Mapping in Hackney Wick and Fish Island: Observation is Proposition
Liza Fior

122 Norway Was Never so Poor!
Edward Robbins, Chrisitan Hermansen Cordua and Barbara E Ascher

130 The Collision of Scarcity and Expendability in Architectural Culture of the 1960s and 1970s
Steve Parnell

136 Counterpoint
Is Sustainability Just Another ‘Ism’?
Hattie Hartman

141 Contributors

Publicado por | 28 de agosto de 2012 - 08:40 | Actualizado: 28 de agosto de 2012 - 08:40 | PDF

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