Salvador de Bahía – Arquitectura

Special issue. Lina Bo Bardi. Obra construida [Lina Bo Bardi.Built work]. By Olivia de Oliveira
2G, no. 23/24 (3/4), 2002, p. 4-255.

Special issue. Paulista architects: second generation of Brazilian modern architecture.
Article by Maria Beatriz de Castro and others
A&U, no. 2 (341), 1999 Feb., p. 3-133.

Bahia marina
Projeto, no 179, 1994 Oct. . p. 60-68

Lina Bo Bardi. By: Ruth Verde Zein, and others
Projeto, no. 149, 1992 Jan., p. 23-64.

Residencias na Bahia: ambiente estimula criatividade em projetos
Projeto, no 115, 1988 Oct. P. 71-72

Arquiteturas no Brasil / anos 80: regiao norte/nordeste [Architecture in
Brazil in the 80s: the north/northeast region].
Projeto, no. 114, 1988 Sept., p. A1-A32.

Special issue: Paulista architects: second generation of Brazilian modern architecture. By Maria Beatriz de Castro and Others
A&U no. 2 (341), 1999, Feb 72-77; 78-87, 88-91

The central administration of Bahía Church, Salvador, Brazil
Summa no. 149, 1980 May, p. 65-67

Publicado por | 14 de septiembre de 2012 - 11:05 | Actualizado: 14 de septiembre de 2012 - 11:05 | PDF

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