How 11 (2012)

Business & Career

50 (Re)making a Name for Themselves
Rebranding your own design firm is a tricky project. Not only is it tough to be your own client, but you also take the risk of losing brand equity. Two brave firms, that both realized that change was necessary for future growth and success, share the challenging process of creating new identities without destroying the bussines they worked so hard to build.
By Bryn Mooth

58 Design Career Lifecycle
In the middle of a creative career, you’re so busy getting the work done that you rarely stop to consider whether you’re on the right path or what other options await you in the future. But identifying where you are and where you want to go will help you get there that much faster. We explore the five stages of a design career to help you find your own way.
By Terry Lee Stone

64 Where Design is Going, and How to be There
In order to preserve the professional practice of design, the practice has to be about more than using technology to create an artifact. Design must be about solving business and communication problems that people don’t even realize they have. Are you prepared to remain relevant for design’s bright new future?
By Cheryl Heller

Salary Survey

46 2012 Design Salary Survey
Designer salaries are still being negatively affected by a sluggish economy, but this year´s salary survey reveals some good news, too: The creative job market is finally starting to pick back up.

Designing Change

70 Designing Change Through Management
If you really want to change the world as a designer, start by becoming a great manager so you can affect the lives of the people you work with every day.
By David C. Baker

74 The Design Activist’s Toolkit
The authors of “The Design Activist’s Handbook” share the best tools, inspiration and resources from the book to help you move from wanting to change the world with design to finally making it happen.
By Noah Scalin and Michelle Taute

Publicado por | 31 de octubre de 2012 - 07:41 | Actualizado: 31 de octubre de 2012 - 07:42 | PDF

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