The Architectural Review N°1390 (2012)

17 Editorial View

18 Overview
New York weathers the storm; Lebbeus Woods remembered; Masterplanning the future of China; Istanbul Design Biennial

26 Review
The arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards

29 View from…
Atacama Desert, Chile

31 Viewpoints
William JR Curtis

33 Your views

35 ar+d Awards for Emerging Architecture

40 Joint Winner
Optical Glass House, Hiroshima, Japan

46 Joint Winner
Red Bull Music Academy, Madrid, Spain

52 Joint Winner
Friendship Centre, Gaibandha, Bangladesh

58 Joint Winner
Block 10 Housing, Winnipeg, Candada

64 Highly Commended
Cassia Co-op Training Centre, Sumatra, Indonesia; Infinite Landscape, Sapporo, Japan; M Building, Paris; France; Living Planter Chandelier; Kamoi Museum, Kurashiki, Japan; Water Cathedral; Santiago, Chile; Recycled Brick School, Tongjiang, Jianxi, China; House for Three Sisters, Murcia, Spain; Gubbio Cemetery, Italy; Umbrella Tea House prototype, Japan

91 Campaign: The Big Rethink
Spiral Dynamics and cultural evolution

102 Reviews
Rowan Moore asks why we build; Labrouste exhibition in Paris; Jonathan Meades’latest brickbat; MoMA explores ways of being political; the culture of concrete

108 Pedagogy
KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana

110 Reputations
Josep Maria Jujol

114 Folio
Lebbeus Woods

Publicado por | 8 de marzo de 2013 - 08:41 | Actualizado: 8 de marzo de 2013 - 08:41 | PDF

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