Architectural Design N°1 The Innovation Imperative – Architectures of vitality (2013)

18 The Ethics of the Imperative
Pia Ednie-Brown

24 Design and Society: Innovation Through Appropiation and Adaptation
Mark Burry

34 Innovation at the Storefront: The Practice of Eva Franch I Gilabert
Pia Ednie-Brown

38 Architecture as Initiative (A Manifesto)
Veronika Valk

44 On a fine Line: Greg Lynn and the Voice of Innovation
Pia Ednie-Brown

50 Becoming Architectural: Affirmative Critique, Creative Incomletion
Brian Massumi

56 The Ebb and Flow of Digital Innovation: From Making to Form Finding – and Beyond
Mario Carpo

62 Strange Vitality: The Transversal Architectures of MOS and New Teritories/R&Scie(n)
Pia Ednie-Brown

70 The Vitality of Matter and the Instrumentalisation of Life
Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr

76 Initiating Change: Architecting the Body-Environment with Arakawa and Gins
Jondi Keane

84 bioMASON and the Speculative Engagements of Biotechnical Architecture
Pia Ednie-Brown

92 The Evolutionary Dynamics of Sentience in Cities
Michael Weinstock

98 Final Draft: Designing Architecture’s Endgame
Gretchen Wilkings and Andrew Burrow

106 Differentiation in Vital Practice: An Analysis Using RMIT University of Technology and Design Interfaces With Architects
Leon van Shaik

114 The Mothers of Invention
Tom Daniell

124 Designing Tomorrow’s Innovation
Terry Cutler

128 Counterpoint
Architecture, Innovation and Tradition
Antoine Picon

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 24 de abril de 2013 - 12:41 | Actualizado: 24 de abril de 2013 - 12:41 | PDF

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