The Japan Architect N° 88 (2013)

Year Book: Global Perspectives on Japonese Architecture
Continuous Reconstructing Efforts by Architects

24 Essay: statement, two years after the earthquake and tsunami
Shoko Fukuya

Timeline for works of ArchiAid 2012

28 Essay: Think global, design and build local
Hiromi Tabei

Highly Evaluated Process

38 Interview: Made not so much of the result but of the process of research
Paolo Baratta

Report on Venice Biennale 13th International architecture exhibition

44 Interview: A constant willingness of the japanese architects to be found in the Japanese pavilion
David Chipperfield

World’s High Rise Architecture

72 Essay: High rise Developments Today
Peter Cachola Schmal

74 Report on International High Rise Award 2012

Methods of Making

60 Essay: Methods of Making
Bijoy Jain

92 Studio Mumbai Exhibition in 2012

94 Essay: Transparent Communication, Transparent Architecture
Takuma Tsuji

Ideas for new ways to living

110 Essay: .Ghost and Skeletons
Hannes Rössler

34 Works

4 D.T. Suzuki Museum
Taniguchi and Associates

8 Sendai Himalayas Center
Arata Isozaki & Associates

10 Ao-re Nagaka
Kengo Kuma & Associates

12 Daikanyama Tsutaya Books
Klein Dytham Architecture / RIA

14 Kyoai Commons
Office of Kumiko Inui

18 Uto Elementary School
Kazuhiro Kojima + Kazuko Akamatsu / Cat

20 Kogakuin University 125th Memorial Education Center
Chiba Manabu Architecs

30 Asahi Kindergarten
Takaharu+Yui Tezuka / Tezuka Architects
Norihide Imagawa / TIS&PARTNERS

32 Kokoro Shelter Fire Fighter’s House
Takasaki Architects

34 Home for All in Heita
Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop

36 Home for all for kamaishi Shopping Street
Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects + Ito Juku

42 Home for all For Rikuzentakata
Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects
Office of Kumiko Inui Sou Fujimoto Architects
Akihisa Hirata Architecture Office
Naoya Hatakeyama

46 Asahikawa Station
Naito Architect & Associates
Hokkaido Railway Company
Japan Transportation Consultants

50 Hitachi Station and Free Corridor
Kazuyo Sejima & Associates
The Environmental Development Around Hitachi
Station Department
East Japan Railway Company Mito Branch Office
JR East Design Corporation

52 Restration and Preservation of the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building
East Japan Railway Company
JR East Design Corporation
JR East Consultants Company

56 JP Tower
Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei
Murphy / Jahn
Kengo Kuma & Associates

58 Shibuya Hikarie
Nikken Sekkei and Tokyu Architects & Engineers
Project Consortium

60 Jingumae Building

62 Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center
Kengo Kuma & Associates


66 Shimizu Corporation Head Office
Shimizu Corporation

Nikken Sekkei

76 Otaki Town Hall
Chiba Manabu Architects

78 The Third Stir Factory of Kamoi Kakoushi
Makoto Takei + Chie Nabeshima / TNA

80 Kiya Ryokan
Yuko Nagayama & Associates

84 Toyosakinagaya (Minaminagaya+Kitahatenagaya)
Osaka City University, Takahara and Koike Laboratory

86 The Difference of Ebitsuka
403architecture (dajiba)

88 Residentail Complex Stock Renewal at Kangetsukyo
Open A
Itsuro Hoshida Architect’s & Urban Planner’s Office
DG Communications

96 Sugoroku Office
Satoko Shinohara + Ayano Uchimura / Spatial Design Studio

98 Sugoroku Office
Met Architects

100 House in Rokko
Yo Shimada

102 Daylight House

104 Coil
Akihisa Hirata Architecture Office

106 Tsuchihashi House
Kazuyo Sejima & Associates

112 Data and Profile

119 Winning Entries of the Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition 2012

126 Announcement: the Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition 2013

Publicado por | 25 de abril de 2013 - 11:04 | Actualizado: 25 de abril de 2013 - 11:04 | PDF

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