Grey Room N°50 (2013)

6 Lucia Allais
Integriies: The Salvage of Abu Simbel

46 Bernardo Zacka
Travel as Ethos: Spatial Excercises in the Work of Tony Chakar

66 James Nisbet
A Brief Moment in the History of Photo Energy: Walter de María’s Lightning Field

90 Edit Tóth
Breuer’s Furniture, Moholy Nagy’s Photographic Paradign, and Compex Gender Expressivity at the Haus am Horn

112 James D. Graham
An Audience of the Scientific Age: Rossum’s Universal Robots and the Production of an Economic Conscience

Publicado por | 6 de mayo de 2013 - 11:45 | Actualizado: 6 de mayo de 2013 - 11:46 | PDF

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