Architectural Design 2 (2013)

Computation works: the building of Algorithmic Thought

23 Recent Developments at Foster + ‘Partners’
Specialist Modelling Group
Xavier de Kestelier

28 Symmetry As Geometry: Kuwait International Airport
Kristoffer Josefsson

32 Mathematical Ensemble: Molteni Are Table
Jethro Hon

34 Integrated Computational Design: National Bank of Kuwait Headquarters
Dusanka Popovska

36 Networked Space
Dennis Shelden

42 Spatial Computing for the New Organic
Christian Derix and Asmund Izaki

48 Structural Emergence: Architectural and Structural Design Collaboration ot SOM
Keith Besserud, Neil Katz and Alessandro Beghnini

56 Realising the Architectural Idea: computational Design at Herzog & De Meuron
Brady Peters

62 Simulating the User Experience: Design Optimisation for Visitor Comfort
Shrikant Sharma and Al Fisher

66 Bridging a Culture: The Design of Museo Soumaya
Fernando Romero and Armando Ramos

70 Interoperability in Sports Design
David Hines

74 From Model Thinking to Process Design
Jan Knippers

82 Navigating the Computational Turn
Ben van Berkel

88 Domesticationg Parametric Design
Bruce Bell and Sarah Simpkin

92 Planning by Parameters
Jeroen Zuidgeest, Sanne van der Burgh and Bas Kalmayer

96 After After Geometry
Michael Meredith

104 Embedding Intelligence: Architecture and Computation at Grimshaw, NY
Seth Edwards

110 Linking Structure and Parametric Geometry
Clemens Preisinger

114 Undrawable Architecture: Heritage Buildings and Digital Tectonic
Stylianos Dritsas and Kang Shua Yeo

118 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Architectural Design
Sawako Kaijima, Roland Bouffanais, Karen Willcox and Suresh Naidu

124 Design Ecosystems: Customising the Architectural Design Environment With Software Plug-ins
Daniel Davis and Brady Peters

132 Galapagos: On the Logic and Limitations of Generic Solvers
David Rutten

136 Kangaroo: Form Finding with Computational Physics
Daniel Piker

138 Pachyderm Acoustical Simulation: Towards Open Source Sound Analysis
Arthur van der Harten

140 WeaverBird: Topological Mesh Editing for Architects
Giulio Piacentino

142 Geco: Architectural Design Through Environmental Feedback
Thomas Grabner and Ursula Frick

144 Firefly: Interactive Prototypes for Architectural Design
Andrew O Payne and Jason Kelly Johnson

Publicado por | 7 de mayo de 2013 - 08:00 | Actualizado: 7 de mayo de 2013 - 08:00 | PDF

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