AV Proyectos N° 55 (2013)

Dossier Junya Ishigami: Minimalism and Nature

06 Lake Project
08 Groot Vijversburg Park, Tytsjerk (Netherlands)
10 Home for Elderly People, Akita (Japan)
12 t Project, London (UK)
14 Row House, Tokyo (Japan)
18 Table

Lascaux Cave, Paleolithic Art Center

22 Snøhetta
24 Ateliers Jean Nouvel
26 Josep Lluís Mateo
28 Auer + Weber + Assoziierte

Very Large Structure, a Visionary Proposal

32 Manuel Domínguez, Zuloark
VLS, Castilla y León (Spain)

Oviedo Museum of Fine Arts, in Detail

50 Francisco Mangado
Museo de Bellas Artes, Oviedo (Spain)

Paper Architecture, Art of Cutting and Folding

70 Architectures de papier
Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine, Paris

O. Winston Link, Photographer of Railroads

76 Life Along the Line

Publicado por | 1 de agosto de 2013 - 08:27 | Actualizado: 1 de agosto de 2013 - 08:27 | PDF

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