Volume N°36 (2013)

2 Editorial
Arjen Oosterman
Foreign Dispatches

6 Taking Sides
Luca Molinari
12 Criticism as Culture
Francoise Fromonot
16 Talking Criticism
Arjen Oosterman
18 Unforbidden Planets: Form, Theory, Vacancy, and Robots
Fred Scharmen and Michael Stanton

New Criteria

24 Negotiating the Intention of the Work
Justine Clark and Paul Walker
30 Evaluating Architecture: Where Performance and Reflection Meet
Bernard Colenbrander
36 A Glass Farm in Schijndel
Arjen Oosterman
38 Digital Distraction: Towards a Technological Criticism
Colin Ripley
42 Identifying with the Opressor
Amelia Borg and Timothy Moore
46 Narrative Architecture: A Manifesto
WAI Think Tank
50 On Speaking Terms
Rob Dettingmeijer
56 In the Architect’s Words
Justine Yan
60 The Project as Potential
Jan van Grunsven
68 Footprinting Secrecy

Print matters

74 American Newspaper Advertising Revenue
76 Criticism Turned on Itself
Steve Parnell
82 Keeping Up with the Avant Garde
Fabrizia Vecchione
86 Back to the Maestri
88 Little Magazines
Urté Rimsaité
90 Press Release Journalism
92 On Criticism as Fun Mechanism in Pain Relief for Designer Bullshit
Michèle Champagne

New Formats

100 From Written Word to Practiced Word
Markus Miessen Interview
106 Caricature, Hyperbole and the Politics of the Cartoon
A conversation with Jimenez Lai and Klaus
112 Toward a Collective Criticism
Mimi Zeiger
117 Critical Aggregators
118 Losing my Illusions about Open source Criticism
Naomi Stead
126 Architecture Museums: Between Critical and Popular
Sergio Miguel Figueiredo
131 Critical Petitions
132 Reviving the Long Form
Justin McGuirk Interview
136 Blogging the Photo Essay
Owen Hatherley, Douglas Murphy and Charles Holland
144 Colophon

Publicado por | 12 de agosto de 2013 - 07:34 | Actualizado: 12 de agosto de 2013 - 07:34 | PDF

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