Architectural Design 4 (2013)

Sistem City: Infrastructure and the Space of Flows

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest Editor
Michael Weinstock

8 Spotlight
Visual highlights of the issue

14 Introductión
Sistem City: Infraestructure and the Space of Flows
Michael Weinstock

24 Variation and Distribution: Forest Patterns as a Model for Urban Morphologies
Evan Greenberg and George Jeronimidis

32 A History of Territories, Movements and Borders: Politics of Inhabitation
Marina Lathouri

38 A Distributed Ground: The Unknow Fields Division
Liam Young and Kate Davies

46 Third Natures: Incubators of Public Space
Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda

56 Intelligent Cities and the Taxonomy of Cognitive Scales
Michael Weinstock with Mehran Gharleghi

66 Darwin Among the Machines
Jack Self

72 Cities and Grids: In Search of New Paradigms
Joan Busquets

78 The Grounds of a Renewed Practice: Grondlab´s Approach Towards Landscape and Infraestructure
Eva Castro, José Alfredo Ramírez and Eduardo Rico

86 Scales of Metabolic Flows: Regional, Urban and Building Systems Design at SOM
Keith Besserud, Mark Sarkisian, Phil Enquist and Craig Hartman

94 Metasystems of Urban Flow: Buro Happold´s Collaborations in the Generation of New Urban Ecologies
Wolf Mangelsdorf

100 Local Climates of the City
Iain D Stewart

106 Ex Silico Ad Vivo: Computational Sumulation and Urban Design at Foster+Partners
Francis Aish, Adam Davis and Martha Tsigkari

112 Networks and the City: Urban Metabolic Decision Processes
Daniel Seagraves

124 Counterpoint
The City Beyond Analogy
Colin Fournier

132 Contributors

Publicado por | 9 de octubre de 2013 - 08:17 | Actualizado: 9 de octubre de 2013 - 08:17 | PDF

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