GDUSA V.49 N° 4 (July/August 2013)

10 Fresh
Whitney Museum logo shows a pulse; Mall of America shops for new identity; Dallas agency serves up fruits and veggis to low income families; Wedgwood puts new look on the table; AIGA and Adobe presents studio of the future; Univision feels Uphoria; Spotify gets serious; Alan Siegel Keeps it simple; and lots more.

26 People
Paula Scher wins National Design Award from Smithsonian; Caroline Baumann earns Cooper Hewiett directorship; Fabian Geryhalter’s compass points to Finien; Monica Little honored by her alma mater; Sarah Davanzo brings culture to sparks & honey, and more

32 Paper promotions
Paper companies who understand the creative mind and service the creative need are becoming more rare and, thus more valued. Here are a selection of resources and promotions information and inspiration, from papermakers who matter

34 Specialty stock
When you’re feeling like the visual world has become flat, predictable and pasteurized, take a few moments to explore a selection of specialty image collections. Art, food, history, nature, science, multiculturalism, and more. You’ll appreciate the wakeup call

38 Inhouse survey
What’s on the horizon for inhouse creative teams? To find out, the Creative Group partnered with AIGA to survey more than 450 inhouse design professionals as part of its ongoing Creative Team of the Future project. The goal, says Donna Farrugia, Executive Director, The Creative Group: uncover thye callenges and opportunities that lie ahead

144 Focus
Mohawk embraces the emerging maker culture with ambitious new publications and promotions that tell stories of designers, printers, manufacturers, artists, artisans, musicians, the others who make their living as makers and craftspeople, and tells us what is trending in the use of envelopes and why it is well positioned to serve the creative community

Publicado por | 14 de octubre de 2013 - 06:34 | Actualizado: 14 de octubre de 2013 - 06:34 | PDF

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