How N°1 (2012)

How N°1

16        Look

What’s new and noteworthy this month: people, products, events and more

18        Calendar

20        Seen

22        Books


32        Monthly in-spiration

We’ve turned your New Year’s resolution to revamp your in house career into a         month by month to do. Start now to kick your career into high gear for 2012

36        Is freelancer a dirty word?

Learn when it´s OK to call yourself a freelancer and when it’s better to use a   different term for your solo design practice

42        Client relations

There’s nothing more important as an in house designer than maintaining your client relationships. After all, they’re the only ones you ve got


8          Contributors

12        New on

14        From the editor

24        Designing change: swipe out salvation

26        Sidelines: RDQLUS goods & cloth

28        Behind the design

16        How design live

17        Inhowse design awards

25        Promotion design awards

Publicado por | 22 de marzo de 2012 - 09:27 | Actualizado: 11 de mayo de 2012 - 16:31 | PDF

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