Form N°3 (2013)


6 Editor’s note

8 6 questions
Scott Johnson reflects on the casualties of globalization

10 Showroom
Openin doors to hardware

12 Market watch
Lounging in style

14 Expert corner
Fabian Kremkus on bikes, art and more

16 Green Works
Bercy Chen Studio pitches a green roof

18 In focus
Celebrating Toyo Ito’s Prtzder Prize

20 Workbook
Residences from around the world

52 Unbuilt
RUX Studio choreographs a food truck stop


30 Beyond Angkor Wat
Cambodia aims to reclaim the past in order to design its future
Kim Fay

34 Korea’s got talent
Amidst frantic growth, designers struggle to create in Korea
Michael Webb

40 Architects on airports
The best and worst around the world
Muchael Webb

Publicado por | 17 de octubre de 2013 - 08:18 | Actualizado: 17 de octubre de 2013 - 08:18 | PDF

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