Print V 67 N°6 (2013)

Print 67.6

Year in review

13 The best book art of 2013
Claire Lui weighs on six of this year’s compelling book covers. From sexy to censored, these designs capture the essence of the text within

16 6 notable typefaces of 2013
Type experts Paul Shaw and Stephen Coles discuss six typefaces that you need to know about

20 The best album art of 2013
Look back at this year’s best album covers with Douglas Wolk. With everything from pop to indie rock, we have you covered

24 The best of
We combed through content on posted in 2013 to highlight the stories that you loved the most, including the saga detailing Timothy Goodman and Jessica Walsh’s dating experiment

30 The role of mediocrity in graphic design
Steven Heller dissects how technology has impacted graphic design. He proposes a challenge for designers: Avoid mediocrity

36 Making sense of competitive design
Rick Poynor explores the importance of yearly design competitions, such as the Regional Design Annual, and explains why these collections are important to the field at large

49 Introduction

50 Meet the Judges

52 Far West

74 Southwest

96 Midwest

116 South

144 East

168 New York City

192 Index

Publicado por | 4 de diciembre de 2013 - 08:00 | Actualizado: 4 de diciembre de 2013 - 08:37 | PDF

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