Form N°5 (2013)

Form n° 5 2013


6 Editor’s note

8 6 questions
Scott Johnson on the autonomy of architecture

10 Showroom
LEDs offer a bright future

12 Market watch
Toilet that will flip your lid

14 Expert’s corner
Curtis Moody on Hadid, Fishing and Functionality

16 Workbook
Inside office culture

40 Unbuilt
Jerde embraces a seaside community


27 Taking flight
Museum quality art lands at airports across America
By Ina Drosu

32 Sunday en the park
Recalling the summer commissions of the Serpentine Gallery
By Michael Webb

Publicado por | 10 de diciembre de 2013 - 08:19 | Actualizado: 10 de diciembre de 2013 - 08:19 | PDF

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