Landscape Architecture Australia N°140 (2013)

Landscape architecture australia 140

6 Perspective
“Don´t let it be forgot”

8 Groundswell
New projects

10 Events to note
Landscape calendar

12 Materplanned communities
Exploring what is often the bread and butter of the landscape architecture profession

14 A masterplanned utopia
The typical realm elements of a masterplanned community

17 Anatomy of a suburb
A photo essay of the structures and landscapes that make up a residential estate

22 Charting a new landscape for residential living in Australia
How Australian residential suburbs have changed since the 1960s and 70s

26 For the love of chocolate
How are the roles and functions of MPCs changing?

28 The expanding fluoro coloured elephant in the room
Does Adelaide have the solution to the built idea of suburban living?

32 Caroline Springs
Does this estate in Melbourne’s west master open space?

37 Interview
Barry Murphy of MDG Landscape Architects

42 Aurora
This development in Melbourne by Places Victoria stretches over more than six hundred hectares

48 Saltwater coast
In Melbourne´s south-west, Tract Consultants has used the landscape as a starting point for the layout of this subdivision

54 North lakes and Fitzgibbon Chase
How have these South East Queensland estates provided for their respective communities?

60 The Ponds
With landscape architecture by Clouston Associates, this Sydney estate has been one of the fastest selling in the last several years

68 Williams Landing
This south west Melbourne estate has faced many planning challenges

74 2013 AILA state awards
The South Australian winners

76 Book Review
Reviewing Made in Australia: The future of Australian cities

78 Book review
Reviewing Desiging to Heal: Planning and urban design responseto disaster and conflict

80 Design matter
Landscape product directory

82 The Kevin Taylor questionnaire
VicRoads principal urban desiger Lorrae Wild

Publicado por | 12 de diciembre de 2013 - 11:14 | Actualizado: 12 de diciembre de 2013 - 11:14 | PDF

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