Landscape Architecture Magazine V.103 N°12 (2013)

Landscape Architectural Magazine V 103N 12


14 Land Matters

16 Letters


22 Now
A cheap and risky schoolyard renovation in Winnipeg carves into asphalt; a great Chicago rooftop garden by Alfred Caldwell is restored; a new study examines communal property ownership of public spaces in Africa and Europe, and more
By Adam Regn Arvidson, Fasla

38 Species
The seven-son tree of China is a prime example of a plant living larger as an expatriate; plus how the voice of the common starling touched a composer
By Constance Casey

44 Interview
Clean City Power
Chen Chen, Studen ASLA, talks about her ASLA Student Award-winning proposal for integrating renewable energy into cities at a large scale.
By Jennifer Reut

48 Food
A World of Feed
Design students from Washigton Univesity in St. Louis set off last summer to explore the Midwest’s agriculture web, and found what a food desert in can be.
By Mimi Zeiger

54 Workstation
Life Comes to Maps
New combinations of data gathering and visualization are making possible maps that reveal hidden patterns and movements across ordinary landscapes.
By James L. Sipes, Asla

64 Climate
See the Change
At the Collaborative for Advances Landscape Planning in Vancouver, Stephen Sheppard, ASLA, and his colleagues show people vivid modeled images of floods, fires, and other climate impacts in their towns – all to get them thinking about solutions.
By Adam Regn Arvidson, Fasla

78 Goods
Walk All Over It
Rugs, wood, pavers, concrete, and something to make them all glow
By Lisa Speckhardt


88 Around the world in grand park
Downtown Los Angeles finally has the huge, luxuriant park in needed at the heart of its Civic Center. Rios Clementi Hale Studios’ design makes Grand Park about the city by making it about the world culture that has its home there.
By Beth Dunlop

The Back

110 A Million Pieces all in One
Folk art works are often as inextricable from their landscapes as they are from their creators, which makes their conservation intriguing – and complicated
By Kevan Williams

120 Books
As a Buffalo Rose
A review of The Best Planned City in The World: Olmsted, Vaux, and the Buffalo Park System, by Francis R. Kowsky
By Alex Krieger

264 Display ad Index

265 Buyer’s Guide Index

Special Advertising sections

PD-1 LAM 2014 Product directory
More than 98 pages of product information for specifiers about the latest in furnishings, containers, lighting, irrigation, green rooft, living walls, park and playground equipment, structures, technology, and much more

PD-101 2014 LAM planting materials suppliers directory
A comprehensive listing of plant growers and sellers across the United States

Publicado por | 20 de enero de 2014 - 08:01 | Actualizado: 20 de enero de 2014 - 08:01 | PDF

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