Print V 68 N°1 (2014)

Print  68.1

Up front

7 Grids+Grides
Female cartoonist are Pretty in Ink; ROY G. BIV gives color its treatment; designers create sketchbooks; Stefan Sagmeister updates his aphorisms; and a design firm shows its love for a local music shop

12 Evolution
The contexts associated with the letter “X” have often raised eyebrows. Take a look at the history of XXX

13 Interview
Mixed media artist Javier Rodríguez García has mastered papercraft, melding illustration and pop-culture commentary

In Back

67 Reviews’s Fine Lines columm evolves into an imprint to rerelease young adult titles of the past – ranging from trashy to esteemed

72 The last word
Seymour Chwast goes under the covers with Joan Crawford


18 Best practices
How do you balance quality and morality when it comes to printed work?
Trish Witkowsi aims to help find a happy medium with sustainability in mind

22 Dialogue
Illustrator and designer – turned – restaurateur Ryan Feerer tells Steven Heller how his Texas based restaurant Abi Haus allows him to invoke all the senses

26 Observer
Secret Behavior, an art magazine, proves that sexuality explored on the printed page can be something more than commercial porn: It´s intimacy through art

Publicado por | 24 de enero de 2014 - 09:10 | Actualizado: 24 de enero de 2014 - 09:10 | PDF

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