A+U N° 519 (2013)

a+u n° 519
Urban Innovation, New York

10 Map of New York City

24 Reshaping New York

27 Maps of the Five Cities 1:300.300

28 How is New York City beign Rebuilt?

32 Recent Landscape of New York City

48 Essay: New York 2013: Towards a More Livable City
Jill N Lerner

51 Innovations and Projects

52 Hudson Yards

60 Atlantic Yards, Barclays Center / Shop Architects

70 Chapter 1: Energy
Renewing the Use of Existing Buildings

72 Chapter 2: Waterway and Climate
Resilent City
Rising Currents – Project for New York’s Waterfront / Hunter´s Pont South Waterfront Park

84 Chapter 3: Transportation and Infrastructure Reconstructing Existing Transit System
Times Square Reconstruction / Fulton Center / Proposals for New Penn Station

94 Chapter 4: Parks and Public space New Approach for Public Space Administration
Brooklyn Bridge Park / Walking in the High Line from Section 1 to Section 3

100 Chapter 5: Housing and Neighborhood Diversity in Living
Via Verde – The Green Way / My Micro NY

112 Chapter 6: Education
Intellectual and Economic Growth in Community
Columbia University Manhattanville Campus Plan

116 Essay: Innovation and Cities
Toshiko Mori

122 The east Harlem School / GLUCK+

126 Campbell Sports Center / Steven Holl Architects

132 Frieze Art Fair NYC / SO-IL

136 Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park / Louis I. Kahn

Publicado por | 11 de febrero de 2014 - 08:43 | Actualizado: 11 de febrero de 2014 - 08:43 | PDF

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