Landscape Architecture Australia N°141 (2014)

Landscape architecture australia 141

6 Perspective
New horizons for the AILA

8 Groundswell
New projects

10 Events to note
Landscape calendar

14 Reconnecting Dubai with its landscape
An ambitious plan to increase public open space in Dubai should embrace remnant ecologies.

21 Sydney Olympic Park 2030
Greater integration with surrounding parklands is necessary if the 2030 masterplan vision is to succeed

24 All eyes on the street
How do we make our urban spaces safer?

28 Revitalising central dandenong
An urban renewal initiative aimed at revitalizing the heart of southeast Melburne

38 Brookfield place
A pragmatic plaza space by Hassell facilitates social richness in Perth’s central business district

44 Cairns foreshore development
Cairns’new foreshore celebrates the history of this post-industrial waterfront

52 Box Hill Gardens Multipropose Area
Aspect Studio’s opportunistic recreation space in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs

56 The Plaza at the Brisbane Showgrounds
Lat27 has delivered an engaging plaza at the entrance to the Brisbane Showgrounds

62 Prince Alfred Park
Sue Barnsley Design and Neeson Murcutt Architects have skillfully reinvigorated this historic inner-Sydney park

71 Exposure/00
An expansive publication on design research in landscape architecture

72 New California Landscapes
Four recent monographs on Californian landscape architects and designers

74 KERB 21
Reviewing Kerb’s latest issue, Uncharted Territories

77 2013 The winners of the Victoria and New South Wales awards

80 Design Matter
Landscape product directory

82 The Kevin Taylor Questionnaire
Multidisciplinary designer Tom Harper takes the questionnaire

Publicado por | 31 de marzo de 2014 - 12:25 | Actualizado: 31 de marzo de 2014 - 12:25 | PDF

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