Grey Room N°55 (2014)

grey room 55

6 Marie Muracciole and Benjamin J. Young
Editors’Introduction: Allan Sekula and the Traffic in Photographs

16 Allan Sekula
An Eternal Esthetics of Laborious Gestures

28 Allan Sekula
Photography and the Limits of National Identity

34 Tamar Garb
Rethinking Sekula from the Global South: Humanist Photography Revisited

58 Thomas Keenan
Counter-forensics and Photography

78 Benjamin H.D. Buchloh
Allan Sekula, or What Is Photography?

130 Allan Sekula Speaks with Carles Guerra
Found Paintings, Disassembled Movies, World Images

142 Hilde Van Gelder
Allan Sekula’s Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum

Publicado por | 12 de agosto de 2014 - 10:21 | Actualizado: 12 de agosto de 2014 - 10:21 | PDF

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