A+U N°526 (2014)

amasu 526

10 Essay: The Lived Metaphor
Juhani Pallasmaa

16 Javier Corvalán + Laboratorio de Arquitectura
Casa Hamaca

24 Benjamin Garcia Saxe
A Forest for a Moon Dazzler

30 Casey Brown Architecture
Permanent Camping

36 Crosson Clarke Carnachan Architects
Hut on Sleds

42 Shim-Sutcliffe Architects
Harrison Island Camp

48 Studio Mumbai
Utsav House

60 Fearon Hay Architects
Island Retreat

66 Rick Joy Architects
Adobe Canyon House

72 Cecilia Puga
The Vaulted House

78 Pascal Flammer
House in Balsthal

86 Buchner Bründler Architects
Casa D’Estate

92 General Architecture
Summer House

96 Tham & Videgård Arkitekter
Creek House

104 GLUCK+
Lakeside Retreat

110 Jon Lott / PARA
Haffenden House

114 spbr arquitetos
Weekend House in Downtown São Paulo

124 Project report:
The Philosophy of Living Architecture
Alain de Botton

126 David Kohn Architects
A Room for London

128 Jarmund / Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL
Dune House

Balancing Barn

Publicado por | 5 de septiembre de 2014 - 08:32 | Actualizado: 5 de septiembre de 2014 - 08:32 | PDF

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