Volume 39 (2014)

volume 39
UABB in Context

2 A City in the Making
Arjen Oosterman
6 An Urban Biennale
Huang Weiwen interview
9 Notes from the Planning Department
10 The Biennale as Catalyst
Zhang Yuxing interview
12 Border Aware
Li Xiangning and Jeffrey Johnson interview
14 The Future in Historical Perspective
Ole Bouman interview
22 Shekou Re-Launch
Zheng Yulong interview

Shenzhen Bordercity

44 Laying Siege to the Eillages
Lessons from Shenzhen
Mary Ann O’Donnelll
48 Implantation City
Yang Xiaodi and Yin Yujun
(Projective Architecture Office)
52 Forms of Encclosure in the Instant Modernization of Shanzhen
Adrian Blackwell
58 Da Lang Fever
Linda Vlassenrood
64 Roaming along some Borders: Archis RSVP
66 From Kun to Xian: 2030 Shenzhen, Balance Is More!
Doreen Heng Liu (NODE Architecture & Urbanism)
70 Standar Line of Expression
Liu Guangyun
72 Cities Between Cities
Chen Zetao (FCHA)
76 2047 HKSZ Metropolis: The Forbidden Zone
Chris Lai (D-Office)
78 The Reweritten Architecture
Dai Yun
80 SZHKSMZ – Special Material Zone
Droog & TD architects
84 The V&A in Shenzhen
Corina Gardner

Border Conditions Beyond

90 The Rose Island Archive
Joseph Grima and Tamar Shafrir (Space Caviar)
94 Breakwater: Mediterranean Port Cities
Rafi Segal and Yonatan Cohen
96 Portraits from Above
Rufina Wu and Stefan Canham
102 China’s Hukou System
Harry den Hartog
110 Chinese Cities in Africa
Daan Roggeveen and Michiel Hulshof
116 Factory Towns of South China
Stefan Al
120 Museum on In-City Village
Zhan Xiojing and Chen Zhou
122 Landscape Wall
Ni Weihua
124 Liquid Boundaries: Notes from the UK Pavilion
Jeremy Till

Value Factory

128 Towards a Value Factory in Ten Steps
Ole Bouman
131 Museum of Modern Art
132 Sao Paulo Architecture Biennale
133 MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism
134 MAXXI Architettura
135 Studio-X
136 Het Nieuwe Instituut
138 Berlage and Volume Laboratorium
140 Office for Metropolitan Architecture
142 Droog with TD Architects
144 The Value Farm
146 Museum of Finnish Architecture
147 Victoria & Albert Museum

159 Colophon

Publicado por | 29 de octubre de 2014 - 07:28 | Actualizado: 29 de octubre de 2014 - 07:28 | PDF

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