How n°6 (2014)


38 The Perks of Staying Small
We’re taught to “dream big”, so the notion of “staying small” may seem contrary. Buy many successful firm principals and sole proprietors, like Aaron James Draplin and Elements principal Amy Graver, seem to credit their conscious decisions to keep a low headcount as their key to success.

46 Making Shift Happen
Rena Tom, the founder and entrepreneur behind the bi-coastal co-working phenomenon Makeshift Society, aimed to create a place that wasn`t just a space, but rather a breeding ground for community and an impetus for creative endeavors of all stripes.

56 How to Work From Anywhere
Whatever your situation, the notion of hitting the road and designing from a fresh hub has likely crossed your mind. One small firm did just that, and they want you, too, to know how to achieve the dream of creative freedom by designing virtually – from virtually any place you desire.
By Damien Golden

62 Is Your Creative Process Killing You?
If you’re feeling bogged down and your creative mojo is stifled, it may be time to take stock of the way you work and identify the culprits of your malaise in order to formulate your next move.
By Jason Tselentis

Publicado por | 30 de octubre de 2014 - 11:55 | Actualizado: 30 de octubre de 2014 - 11:56 | PDF

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