Architectural Design N° 5 (2011) – Radical Post-Modernism

Architectural Design N°5

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the guest-editors
Charles Jenks, Sean Griffiths, Charles Holland and Sam Jacob

8 Spotlight
Visual highlights of the issue

14 Introduction
What is Radical Post-Modernism?
Charles Jenks
Post-Modernism: An Incomplete Project

24 Beyond the Flatline
Sam Jacob

32 Radical Post Modernism and Content: Charles Jenks and Rem Koolhaas debate the issue

46 A Field Guide to Radical Pot-Modernism

62 Contextual Counterpoint
Charles Jenks

68 Virtual Corpses, Figural Sections and Resonant Fields
Sean Griffiths

78 FAT Projects: Manifesting Radical Post-Modernism

90 Questions of Taste
Charles Holland

98 Historicism versus Communication: The Basic Debate of the 1980 Biennale
Lea Catherine Szacka

106 Too Good To Be True: The Survival of English Everyday PoMo
Kester Rattenbury

114 The True Counterfeits of Bansky: Radical Walls of Complicity and Subversion
Eva Branscome

122 Re Radicalising Post Modernism

128 Counterpoint
Not So Radical: An American Perspective
Jayne Merkel

Publicado por | 30 de marzo de 2012 - 08:33 | Actualizado: 11 de mayo de 2012 - 16:28 | PDF

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