Interni N° 647 suplemento (2014)


49 7 editors-in-chief
Giovanni Gualterio Görlich (54-56)
Antonello Vincenti (57-62)
Carlo de Carli (67-71)
Flavio Conti (71-76)
Bruno Alfieri (76-79)
Dorothea Balluff (79-94)
Gilda Bojardi (94-14)

51 647 issues
Editoriale di/editorial by Gilda Bojardi

52 60 years of Italian history
Introduzione di/introduction by Deyan Sudjic

57 180 drawings
La collezione di disegni dedicate a Interni fermata da grandi progettisti. The collection of drawings made by great designers for Interni

97 3.000.000 visitors
Oltre 30 anni di eventi. Over 30 years of events

145 54-63 Charming fifties
Testo e incone di/text and icons by Vanni Pasca

168 Amarcord
Testo di/text by Franco Raggi

187 64-73 Rocking Sixties
Testo e incone di/text and icons by Enrico Morteo

223 74-83 Rolling Seventies
Testo e incone di/text and icons by Andrea Branzi

259 84-93 Glamourous Eighties
Testo e incone di/text and icons by Cristina Morozzi

295 94-03 Virtuous Nineties
Testo e incone di/text and icons by Marco Romanelli

331 04-14 Promising Zeroes
Testo e incone di/text and icons by Beppe Finessi

377 647 covers
La grafica in 60 anni di copertine. Graphic design in 60 years of covers.
Testo di/text by Christoph Radl

442 Traduzioni/Translations

Publicado por | 28 de enero de 2015 - 10:11 | Actualizado: 28 de enero de 2015 - 10:11 | PDF

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