The Architectural Review N° 1417 (2015)


13 Editorial view

14 Overview
Fascism, fashion and Fendi; the architecture of the internet; young Korean architects at The Cass exhibition; outrage in Paris and a diary from Johannesburg.

20 Broader view.
The fate of the high street.

23 View from.
George Town, Cayman Islands

25 Viewpoints.
Farshid Moussavi

26 Your views.

30 Polemic.
Peter Buchanan attacks the architecture of dumb spectacle.

36 Standar Architecture.
Hutong infill, Beijing, China

46 Valerio Olgiati.
Villa Além, Alentejo, Portugal

54 Selgas Cano, Ignacio Peydro and MIT students.
Clinic, Turkana, Kenya

66 Toni Gironès.
Archaeological museum, Seró, Spain

79 Essay
Rowan Moore on two decades of Herzog and de Meuron

90 Essay
In what style shall we build? Asks Charles Jencks

102 Reviews
Alberto Ponis; ES Prior; SQM – the quantified home

106 History
Australian ugliness

108 Reputations
Henry van de Velde

110 Folio
Adam Dant

Publicado por | 17 de abril de 2015 - 10:53 | Actualizado: 17 de abril de 2015 - 10:53 | PDF

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