Architectural Design 1 (2015)


5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest Editors.
George Katodrytis and Kevin Mitchell

8 Introduction: The Gulf Urbanisation
George katodrytis and Kevin Mitchell

20 Museum Development in the Gulf. Narrative and Architecture.
Sarina Wakefield

28 Cultural Exchange and Urban Appropriation. Spaces for Art in Sharjah’s Historical Centre. Mona El Mousfy and Sharmeen Syed.

38 Design for the Future. Educational Institutions in the Gulf.
Kevin Mitchell

54 The Evolution of Tall Building in the Gulf. From the Sensational to the Sensitive.
Terri Meyer Boake

80 Inexhautible Ambition. Two Era of Planning in Doha, Quatar.
Kelly Hutzell, Rami el Samahy and Adam Himes

92 New Hearts for Two Gulf Cities. Varkki Pallathucheril

100 Future Flyovers. Dubai in 1971.
Todd Reisz

106 Urban and Architectural Sustainability in the Gulf.
Robert Cooke

114 Fast Forwards. 10 Years of Sustainable Initiatives in the Gulf Region.
Jeffrey Willis

120 Performative Urbanism. An Emerging Model of The Gulf.
George Katodrytis

128 The Struggle for Integrity. Emerging Local Practices in the Gulf.
George Katrodrytis and Kevin Mitchell

136 Counterpoint. A Field of Possibilities. The Post-Oil Future of Bahrain.
Noura al Sayeh

142 Contributors.

Publicado por | 22 de mayo de 2015 - 10:17 | Actualizado: 22 de mayo de 2015 - 10:17 | PDF

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