Architectural Design 2 (2015)


5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest-Editors. Michael Hensel and Christien Hermansen Cordua.

8 Introduction. Relating Perceptions of Constructions, Experimental and Local.
Michael Hensel and Christian Hermansen Cordua

16 Past and Present Trajectories of Experimental Architectures.
Michael Hensel and Christian Hermansen Cordua

24 Building In and Out of Place.
David Leatherbarrow

30 The Bauhaus. Case Study Experiments in Education.
Barbara Elisabeth Ascher

34 The Open City and the e[ad] School of Architecture and Design.
Christian Hermansen Cordua, David Jolly Monge and Michael Hensel

40 Incarnations of a Design-and-Build Programme. Rural Studio.
Michael Hensel

48 Architecture by Latitude and Locality. The Scarcity and Creativity Studio.
Michael Hensel and Christian Hermansen Cordua

64 Detoured Installations. The Policies and Architecture of the Norwegian National Tourist Routes Project.
Karl Otto Ellefsen

76 Conviction Into Tectonics. The Work of Rintala Eggerstsson.
Christian Hermansen Cordua

82 Integrating on-Site Education and Practice. TYIN tegnestue Architects.
Lisbet Harboe

88 Renzo Piano. Poet of Technology.
Peter Buchanan

94 The Practice of Making. Studio Mumbai.
Michael Hensel

102 The Builder’s Name. SHoP and Ethics of Knowledge Transfer.
Philip Nobel

110 Informed Non-Standar. En Route to Non-Standard Performative Architectures.
Soren S Sorensen

116 Auxiliary Architectures. Augmenting Existing Architectures with Performative Capacities.
Michael Hensel

120 Nested Catenaries. A Developmental Route to Local Specificity.
Defne Sunguroglu Hensel and Gullem Baraut Bover

128 Smart Living Architecture – Solar Prototypes. IAAC, Endesa Pavilion, Barcelona.
Areti Markopoulou and Rodrigo Rubio

132 Outlook. En Route to Intensely Local Architectures and Tectonics.
Michael Hensel and Christian Hermansen Cordua

136 Counterpoint Sustaining the Local. An Alternative Approach to Sustainable Design.
Terri Peters

142 Contributors

Publicado por | 22 de mayo de 2015 - 10:45 | Actualizado: 22 de mayo de 2015 - 10:45 | PDF

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