Architectural Design 3 (2015)

Pavilions, Pop-ups and Parasols

5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest-Editors.
Leon van Schaik and Fleur Watson

8 Introduction, Pavilions, Pop-ups and Parasols. Are They Platforms for Change?
Leon van Schaik

16 In the Persuit of Pleasure. The Not So Fleeting Life of the Pavilion and its llk.
Robert Bevan

26 Castles and Pavilions. Creating New Hybrid Places of Exchange.
Tom Holbrook

32 A Sketchbook for the City to Come. The Pop-Up as R&D.
Dan Hill

40 10 Folly Variations. The Time Specific Architecture.
Minsuk Cho

48 100 Year City (Maribor). The Virtual Concourse Reframed.
Fleur Watson

56 Not To Be Taken Seriously. Kiosks, Roadside Joys and Other Things That are Beneath Architectural Contempt.
Peter Cook

64 Barcelona Reset. Circuit of Ephemeral Architecture.
Benedeta Tagliabue

72 Building Community.
Andrea Kahn

78 Global Village Media. Coming Together in the Early 1970s at Whiz Bang Quick City.
Felicity D Scott

86 When a Tree House No Longer Says ‘House’ Are We Virtually There?
Akira Suzuki

92 Agents for Urban Food Education and Security.
CJ Lim

100 Architecture of the Occasion.
Pia Ednie-Brown

106 Indeterminacy and Contingency. The Seroussi-Pavilion and Bloom by Alisa Andrasek.

112 Urban Phenomenon. Guerrilla Architecture in Taipei.
Roan Ching-Yueh

124 Lasting Impressions. Pop-Up Culture by HWKN.
Matthias Hollwich

130 Entrepreneur Makers. Digitally Crafted, Crowfunded Pavilions.
Arthur Mamou-Mani and Toby Burgess

136 Counterpoint From the Subersive to the Serious. Temporary Urbanism as a Positive Force.
Peter Bishop

142 Contributors

Publicado por | 22 de mayo de 2015 - 11:17 | Actualizado: 22 de mayo de 2015 - 11:17 | PDF

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