The Architectural Review N° 1420 (2015)


5 Has architecture lost its social conscience? The question has become an arthritis; a dull ache that improves or worsens depending on the weather.
Christine Murray

16 Collective supersudaca.

18 Reputations. Juan O’Gorman.

22 Chilean Bienal fails to question the status quo.
Adept at creating beautiful objects, Chile’s designers are rarely subversive.
Pippo Ciorra.

24 A new threat to favelas: gentrification.
Theresa Williamson

26 Rio’s Olympic legacy a cause for concern.
Francisco Perrotta-Bosch

31 Radical tactics transform Latin America cities
Roger Zogolovich

33 Reconciling a violent history in Lima.
Sharif S Kahatt

38 Colombia’s infrastructure reclaimed as public space
Manon Mollard

42 Lighting the last supper
James Haldane

45 Constructing Latin America

54 Concrete Cliff
Frederick Cooper Llosa

68 Down the line
Ursula Troncoso

82 Fistful of Earth
Carlos Naranjo

92 New Andean
Elisabetta Andreoli

102 Colour follows form

105 Under one Roof

112 Square feat
José Luis Uribe Ortiz

Publicado por | 14 de julio de 2015 - 14:05 | Actualizado: 14 de julio de 2015 - 14:05 | PDF

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