Architecture today n°258 (2015)



4 Exhibitions
A major retrospective of Le Corbusier marking the 50th anniversary of his death has opened at the Pompidou Centre.

6 Exhibitions
Richard Murphy explores sculptor Carol Bove’s response to the work of Carlo Scarpa.

8 Learning from
Studying under architectural historian Dalibor Vesely entailed an enduring commitment, says Patrick Lynch.

11 Exhibitions
The second phase of restoration work at the Soane Museum has opened up the Model Room and private apartments.

12 Books
Weihty new monographs on Herman Hertzberger by Robert McCarter, and Alberto Campo Baeza by Oscar Riera Ojeda.


16 Building
Terrell: Studio Weave at University Hospital Bristol.

18 Building
Zechner & Zechner’s weve-form roof adds both shelter and drama to Graz central station.

21 Building
Foster & Partners’ Crossrail Place retail centre at Canary Wharf

22 Building
Children enjoy freedom of movement at a nursery for Edinburgh University by Malcolm Fraser Architects, finds Robin Webster.

28 Building
The new Whitney Museum in Manhattan is a skilful and mature expression of Renzo Piano’s late work, suggests Thomas Wensing.

38 Building
Cindy Walters admires the richly varied response to context in Eric Parry Architects’ 7 & 8 St. James’s Square, London.

52 Building
Mecanoo’s new base for two of Manchester’s cultural institutions makes a relaxed setting for the production and presentation of art, finds Edmund Wilson.


66 Envelope
Copper-clad roof wings unfold from the somber brick envelope of Renato Rizzi’s Gdansk Shakesperean Theatre.

71 Envelope
Populous and NH Architecture have equipped a Melbourne sports arena with a retractable steel roof.

74 Products


80 Fred Pilbrow
As good a place as any to see out eternity

Publicado por | 30 de julio de 2015 - 13:21 | Actualizado: 30 de julio de 2015 - 13:21 | PDF

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