Architectural Design 4 (2015)

Design our Tomorrow

5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest-Editor
Chris Luebkeman

8 Introduction
2050 Can You Imagine… ?

20 Designing a Graceful Endigng
A Conversation with Design with Design Luminary Paola Antonelli
Chris Luebkeman

26 Prejudicial Narratives
Building Tomorrow’s World Today
Alex McDowell

34 Design Is Our Answer
An Interview with Leading Design Thinker Tim Brown
Chris Luebkman

40 Welcome to the Third Industrial Revolution
The Mass- Customisation of Architecture, Practice and Education
Thomas Fisher

46 After Achitects
A Vision of the Near Future from SHoP
Philip Nobel

54 It’s Not Where You’re From, It´s Where You’re At
Mark Watts

62 The Street As Plataform
How Digital Dynamics Shape the Physical City
Dan Hill

68 A Century of Ecological Innovation
Mitchell Joachim

74 Sentient Futures
The Hydra Trilogy by Future Cities Lab
Nataly Gattegno and Jason Kelly Johnson

80 Interdependence
A Manifesto for Our Urban Future, Together
Lisa Gransky

84 Healthy Humane Buildings
Karin Lepasoon

88 Media Network
Three Moments From the Future Post-Manofacturing Supply Chain
Tim Maughan and Liam Young

94 Empowering Communities Through Design
Francesca Galeazzi

106 Captain Nemo’s Dream
Enric Sala

110 Bricked House
How Code and Law Can Lock You Out
Molly Wright Steenson

114 Looking Back on a Radical Idea
The Buranest Cooperative Rural New Town, Amhara, Ethiopia
Franz Oswald

120 The Generous City
Janine Benyus

122 To a Curator of Beautiful and Healthy Lives
A Note to Myself
DaeWha Kang

128 Counterpoint
The Art of Prediction
Charles Jencks

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 5 de agosto de 2015 - 13:30 | Actualizado: 5 de agosto de 2015 - 13:30 | PDF

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