AA files n°70 (2015)


3 In Front of Lives That Leave Nothing Behind
Joseph Bedford

19 Doll’s Houses
Jesús Vassallo

24 Letter from the Gold Coast
Andrew Leach

28 Protezione
Jean-Luis Cohen

33 Possible Pompidous
Susan Holden

46 In Conversation with Renzo Piano & Richard Rogers
Enrique Walker

60 Johnson’s Grid
Dietrich Neumann & Juerguen Schulz

70 Paradise Regained
Goswin Schwendinger

76 Anti-Ugly Action
Gavin Stamp

89 Body Buildng
Sam Jacob

92 Kaplicky’s Coexistence
David Jenkins

98 Babel Brasileira
Paul Vermeulen & Diego Inglez de Souza

103 The Depth of the Street
Irina Davidovici

124 In Conversation with John Miller
Mark Swenarton & Tomas Weaver

138 Atmospheric Industries
Will McLean

144 Eric de Maré in Search of the Functional Tradition
Andrew Higgott

152 The Oval Offices
Nicolas Grospierre

159 The Blue of Aldo Rossi’s Sky
Diane Ghirardo

173 A Return to the Ideal City
Paul Mason

176 Contributors

Publicado por | 7 de agosto de 2015 - 14:35 | Actualizado: 7 de agosto de 2015 - 14:35 | PDF

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