Architectural Design N°2 – Material computation: higher integration in Morphogenetic design (2012)

Architectural Design N°2

22 Pattern Formation in Nature: Physical Constraints and Self Organising Characteristics
Philip Ball

28 Evolutionary Architecture? Some Perspectives From biological Desgin
J Scott Turner

34 Material Resourcefulness: Activating Material Information in Computational Design
Achim Menges

44 Material Behaviour: Embedding Physical Properties in Computational Design Processes
Moritz Fleschmann, Jan Knippers, Julian Lienhard, Achim Menges and Simon Schleicher

52 Material Capacity: Embedded Responsiveness
Achim Menges and Steffen Reichert

60 Physical Drivers: Synthesis of Evolutinary Developments and Force Driven Design

68 Design to Self Assembly
Skylar Tibbits

74 Aggregate Structures: Material and Machine Computation of Designed Granular Substances
Karola dierichs and Achim Menges

82 Living Systems: Designing Growth in Baubotanik
Ferdinand Ludwing, Hannes Schwertfeger and Oliver Storz

88 Programming Matter
Neri Oxman

96 Material Articulation: Computing and Constructing Continuous Differentiation
Cristiano Ceccato

104 Material, Form and Force
Toni Kotnik and Michael Weinstock

112 Engineering Integration: Real Time Approaches to Performative Computational Design
Al Fisher

118 Manufacturing Reciprocities
Achim Menges and Tobias Schwinn

126 The Role of Additive Manufacturing and Physiomimetic Computational Design for Digital Construction
Rupert Soar and David Andreen

136 Counterpoint
Distinguishing Between the Drawn and the Made
Bob Sheil

Publicado por | 13 de abril de 2012 - 10:00 | Actualizado: 11 de mayo de 2012 - 15:50 | PDF

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