A+U n°538 (2015)


Kimbell Art Museum – Drawing Collection

10 Photos of Kimbell Art Museum

18 Essay: Architecture is a Team Sport
Lawrence Speck

22 Preston M. Geren Drawings

32 Plans

46 Vaults and Walls

64 Interview: Collaborating on the Making of the Kimbell Art Museum
Frank H. Sherwood, Dewayne Manning,
Katie Pierce Meyer (interviewer)

70 Interior Light

84 Light Courts

94 Library

98 Auditorium

106 Shop Area and Offices

110 Essay: Ancient and future images of the present: Impressions of the
Kimbell Art Museum
Carlos Jimenez

114 Miscellaneous Drawings

Publicado por | 25 de septiembre de 2015 - 10:30 | Actualizado: 25 de septiembre de 2015 - 10:30 | PDF

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