A+U n° 539 (2015)

ingenhoven architects – supergreen

8 Essay: Revision of the Modern: An Unfinished Project
On the Architecture of Christoph Ingenhoven
Barry Bergdoll

18 Interview: Practicing Architecture Today: Creating Unexpected
Christoph Ingenhoven, Martha Thorne

28 Toranomon Project

34 Kö-Bogen 2

42 Marina One

54 University College Dublin

60 Lufthansa

70 Oval

76 European Investment Bank

88 Lanserhof, Lake Tegern

98 Main Station Stuttgart

116 International Criminal Court

122 Town Hall

128 Strandkai

134 Residential Tower Alexanderplatz

140 Oeconomicum

148 Swarovski

160 1 Bligh

176 House 61

182 Google HQ

190 Audi Pavilion

198 HDI HQ

204 Al Haram Mosque

212 Central Park Berlin

Publicado por | 13 de octubre de 2015 - 14:04 | Actualizado: 13 de octubre de 2015 - 14:04 | PDF

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