How n°4 (2015)

Who are they? In each issue we look at the creative landscape and select the most interesting, innovative, and inspiring designers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

18 Bradford Shellhammer – Bezar
19 Nelly Ben Hayoun – Nelly Ben Hayoun Studio
20 Matthew Manos – Verynice
21 Nicole Jacek – NJC(LA)

What does it mean? From interviews with our thought-leaders, we see the emergence of a few trends and big ideas. Whether it’s digital media mogul or a paper goods company, they all share a common thread.

26 Bradford Shellhammer
30 Futura
32 Provocateur Extraordinaire
37 Glossier
38 Creative karma
43 Industrial Complex
44 Into the Unknow
50 HOW Promotion & Marketing Design Award Winners

Where in the world? We explore the world of design by venturing to one of today’s most creative communities to see what makes it so unique.

78 Mexico City


How do they do it? We explore the creative process of one of today’s most influential designers to understand how the designs, builds companies, and became who he is.

85 Sebastian Padilla – Sebastian Talks Past, Present, and Future

Publicado por | 19 de octubre de 2015 - 09:43 | Actualizado: 19 de octubre de 2015 - 09:43 | PDF

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