The Architectural Review N° 1424 (2015)


7 My son’s postwar school won’t win any awards. I’d like to think that’s why they plan to demolish it, but it faces a more sinister fate.
Christine Murray

8 Outrage
‘If you think a teacher is more important than a school, you are wrong’
So proves Ai Weiwei’s memorial to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.
Christine Murray

11 Killing creativity
Peter Cook

18 AR_EA

36 Typology Universities

45 Schools

49 Sum of Parts
Hayhurst and Co’s spatial envelope of the Whintehorse manor Schools in south London forms a smart jacket encasing a clever masterplan.
Jay Merrick

60 Grey Eminence
CVDB’s secondary school builds on previous historical layers to foster social cohesion in a troubled neighbourhood just outside Lisbon.

70 Steps Aheads
RUF’s expansion of a school in Mulan Village, a backwater in north Guangdong, makes it a focus for the rural community.
Austin Williams

77 Junction Box
OMA’s Milstein Hall cantilever at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, elegantly connects two historic halls.
Jon Astbury

84 A Woman’s Place
Under the Taliban, girls were denied an education but with a new ruling power and school to welcome them, they now have the chance to thrive.
Manon Mollard

91 Learning Curves
Nature goes hand in hand with nurture in a kindergarten by Vo Trong Nghia in Dong Nai, Vietnam.
Emili Booth

Publicado por | 26 de noviembre de 2015 - 12:18 | Actualizado: 26 de noviembre de 2015 - 12:18 | PDF

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